FLDOE is excited to announce the release of the beta version of Florida’s education reports portal, EduData (http://edudata.fldoe.org), which includes the 2017-18 School and District Report Cards. Redesigned to meet the requirements outlined in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the report cards will serve as a valuable resource for understanding important information about Florida’s districts and schools, and we look forward to this opportunity to receive input on their usability. 


This is the first time the department has launched a live beta test site. The goal of this launch is to provide parents, educators and stakeholders with an opportunity to preview the report cards and, most importantly, provide valuable feedback on their content, features and functionality in order to improve the report cards going forward. On the website, there is a feedback survey and an opportunity to sign up for updates.


The report cards offer greater transparency into how the state, districts and schools are doing with regard to student achievement and success, including subgroup information, on the following key performance indicators for each district and school, as required by ESSA: the overall summative rating (district grade, school grade or school improvement rating); the breakdown of each component in the overall rating; whether a school is identified for support and detailed reasons for the identification; academic achievement, growth and participation, including alternate assessment participation; English Language Leaners’ proficiency and progress; middle school and college and career acceleration; discipline and attendance; graduation and postsecondary continuation; long-term goals and interim progress; accelerated course enrollment; and preschool enrollment. Additional data required by ESSA will be included in the report cards as we develop and expand them, including educator qualifications and equity, per-pupil expenditures, and national assessment data.  

District Report Card:  https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0000&district=30

Bethlehem:  https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0041&district=30

Bonifay K-8:  https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0262&district=30

GAP:  https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0471&district=30

Holmes County High: https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0261&district=30

Ponce de Leon Elementary:  https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0111&district=30

Ponce de Leon High:  https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0061&district=30

Poplar Springs:  https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0031&district=30